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Applications of 3D printing

The beauty of 3D printing is that it’s a simple technology that can be applied to all sorts of fields. It’s lowered the barrier for anyone to design and create and opened up opportunities to streamline processes already in place.

The Top 5 applications of 3D Printing are,

  • Education
  • Prototyping
  • Manufacturing
  • Medicine
  • Construction
  • Jewellery

Additive manufacturing's earliest applications have been on the toolroom end of the manufacturing spectrum. For example, rapid prototyping was one of the earliest additive variants, and its mission was to reduce the lead time and cost of developing prototypes of new parts and devices, 

which was earlier only done with subtractive toolroom methods such as CNC milling and turning, and precision grinding, far more accurate than 3d printing with accuracy down to 0.00005" and creating better quality parts faster, but sometimes too expensive for low accuracy prototype parts


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